Thursday, August 30, 2012

Celebrate Spring with Pantone

I'm not sure if you've all noticed, but SPRING is upon us! For me the sweet smell of jasmine in the air is usually a dead give away, but maybe for you it's those slightly warmer days - the ones where you go out in the sun and feel actual warmth on your skin. YES!

This month we're celebrating the onset of spring with a little help from our friends at Pantone. They have released their Spring Fashion Colour Report and we're a bit in love with this combo in particular:

It's fresh, striking and bursting with energy which means it is right in line with all that spring has to offer - new colours, new life and new festivity.

Let's get started shall we? We always think food is a great place to start when you're celebrating a new season. Since spring is all about fresh tastes and ingredients why not try these three on for size:

Bakeds spring rolls

Want to dress up your table when you serve up these beauties above? Why not start neutral using our gorgeous range of eco serving ware ...

And then add your Spring splashes of colour using:

Baking cups

Honeycomb Tissues Daisies
Some gorgeous bunting

Want even MORE spring colour inspiration using this gorgeous palette? Click on the images below!



  1. Such bold, vibrant colors! Really feels like a celebration!

  2. I'm in love with Pantone. I can see its going to be big this season! Just pooping over from Pink Fibro. Xx

  3. Oh bugger! I meant popping, not pooping! (I promise I don't poop on people's blogs!) Do you think that is that worse than trolling? Xx
